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X@q]o#_2`^@2@u^@@0`@  (p)`ch? b@ /pH@^vp^@$@$@z`hv a]"!&@?@& @(?"@|^"@^pX`@ "@^^@逦 "H^!@ ?@&@ВЀ?@<؂@ @"@^^,`@@^ a@] _ a@|] !@]o!X@@]o!X@@]o~Ž]!@]o!@]ov!@]@$ P ] ] "K@!]@?@+ax] oh^ a@!] H!]@] @ "@]oX ] ] !@] b@]  b^X@@] i`Xh ]X`@ @;^`0X@ vh9@FȂ?&^v`2`q`d^h X`@b0]@C<0@ @@3@K@F ?@'Ȁ?@@ؑ: ?@@ X@*%^^ b @] ^ bH@] P` ] ] !0@]^ b8@] @2F ?O^ bX@] b` @] ^ bh@~] ^ bp@x] @6^X`@bo]^"(@]^"@ `"`X@@]`2o^p`h:^"@4<@@@*b]"@]^p"j"x@]od"@`,X`@bog]^ b@@.] 2oX` b@>] bo]bo] bo] ^ a@] ^bȐ @]  boj]^@bؐ @] 0hP'ps_strings missing alphasum, Valid options are:%s%s=number=word=stringSupported file system types are:Supported machines are:usage: %s [-fnv] [-B s2bno] [-b s1bno] [-m machine] [-o options] [-t fstype] [-u uboot-paths] filesystem primary [secondary] usage: %s -c [-fnv] [-m machine] [-o options] [-t fstype] filesystem usage: %s -e [-fnv] [-m machine] [-o options] bootstrap paths != NULL/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/installboot.cmach != NULLInvalid machine `%s' from %sonlywrite(none)(to be cleared) (directory)EditClearSetMACHINE$MACHINE/usr/pkg/share/u-bootINSTALLBOOT_UBOOT_PATHSInvalid block number `%s'-moption != NULL, =,,Unknown option `-o %.*s'Option `%s' must not have a valueOption `%s' must have a valuestrdupInternal error: option `%s' has invalid type %dInvalid option value `%s=%.*s'-tInvalid file system type `%s' from %sb:B:cefm:no:t:u:vDetermine unameuname()`-o %s' is not supported for %s`-b bno' is not supported for %s`-B bno' is not supported for %sUnknown unsupported flag %#x (coding error!)Can't use `-b bno' with `-o append'Can't use `-b bno', `-B bno' or `-o append' with `-c'%s: %sOpening file system `%s' read-%sExamining file system `%s'File system `%s' is not of type %sFile system `%s' is of an unknown typeparams->machine != NULLOpening primary bootstrap `%s'Examining primary bootstrap `%s'`%s' must be a regular file or a directory`%s' must be a regular fileFile system: %s File system type: %s (blocksize %u, needswap %d) Primary bootstrap: %s%s Secondary bootstrap: %s Please specify the primary bootstrap file%s bootstrap operation failedSynchronising file system `%s'Closing file system `%s'Closing primary bootstrap `%s'params != NULL%s: bootstrap installation is not supported%s: bootstrap removal is not supported%s: bootstrap editing is not supportedappendcommandconsoleioaddrkeymappasswordresetvideospeedsunsumtimeoutmodulesbootconfboarddtbmediabb16 != NULL/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/sum.cOld Sun checksum: 0x%04x Recalculated Sun checksum: 0x%04x /usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/fstypes.cparams->fstype != NULLparams->stage2 != NULLmaxblk != NULLblocks != NULL(params->flags & IB_STAGE2START) != 0params->fstype->blocksize != 0Examining `%s'Secondary bootstrap `%s' has too many blocks (calculated %u, maximum %u)Need `-B bno' for raw file systemsffsraidcd9660rawalpha checksum now %016llx checksum%s sparc %s 0x%04x invalid, expected 0x%04xmagic numberNon-zero bits %04x in bytes %d..%dtarget sun checksum is %04x target adjustment %04x was odd, correcting bb16[BB_ADJUST_OFFSET + 6] == 0/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/alpha.cbb16[BB_ADJUST_OFFSET + 012] == 0final harmonized checksum: %016llx FinalNot wWparams->fsfd != -1params->filesystem != NULLparams->s1fd != -1params->stage1 != NULLAllocating %lu bytesReading `%s'Reading `%s': short readInitial`%s' must be a regular file to append a bootstrapBootstrap start sector: %llu Bootstrap sector count: %llu New boot block checksum: %#llx %sriting bootstrap Writing `%s'Writing `%s': short writeWriting boot blockNot cCCan't use `-b bno' or `-o append' with `-c'Old boot block checksum invalid (was %#llx, calculated %#llx)Boot block invalidOld bootstrap start sector: %llu Old bootstrap size: %llu Old bootstrap checksum: %#llx New bootstrap start sector: %llu New bootstrap size: %llu New bootstrap checksum: %#llx %slearing boot block alpha%s: wrong checksumeek - both sums are the samenetbsd -ASn2Old bootblock version? Can't change command line.amigaUnable to load board db.Known boards (for -o board=...) are: evbarmevbmipsReading `%s' : short readNetBSD/ews4800mips 20040611ews4800mips/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/hp300.cFailed to allocate memory for disklabelTarget filesystem `%s' is unexpectedAllocating %lu bytes for block listSecondary bootstrap `%s' is emptySecondary bootstrap `%s' doesn't have contiguous blocksBootstrap `%s' found at offset %lu in `%s' reading disklabelInvalid disklabel in %sNo BOOT partitionBOOT partition too small (%llu < %llu)mmapping `%s'LIF entry %d larger (%u %u) than LIF fileWriting boot filesystem of `%s'Writing boot filesystem of `%s': short writehp300/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/hppa.c%slearing bootstrap No disklabel in `%s'Partition `a' doesn't exist in %sPartition `a' of `%s' exceeds 2GB boundary.It won't boot since hppa PDC can handle only 2GB.Bootstrap start sector: %#x Bootstrap byte count: %#zx hppainvalid console name, valid names are:pc %s, %sBoot options: timeout %d, flags %x, speed %d, ioaddr %x, console %s console %d keymap %s Patch area in stage1 bootstrap is too small/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/i386.cWriting `%s': short write, %zd bytes (should be %zu)Invalid magic in existing bootstrapstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is larger than 8192 bytesstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is too smallReading `%s': short read, %ld bytes (should be %ld)Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Data in mbr partition table of new bootstrapData in label part of new bootstrapInvalid magic in stage1 bootstrap %x != %xNo BPB in new bootstrap %02x:%02x:%02x, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Insufficient reserved space before FAT (%u bytes available), use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Old BPB too big, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Cannot enable writes to the label sectorWriting `%s': short write, %u bytesamd64i386com0com1com2com3com0kbdcom1kbdcom2kbdcom3kbdauto/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/landisk.cstage1 bootstrap `%s' is larger than 8192 bytesIgnoring MBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Allocating %zu bytesPartition table has non-zero byte at offset %d in `%s'landisk/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/macppc.cbb_params != NULLbb != NULLCan't read sector 0 of `%s'Can't write sector 0 of `%s'AppleApple_partition_mapCan't write Apple Partition Map into sector 1 of `%s'NetBSDNetBSD/macppcPowerPCCan't write Apple Partition Map into sector 2 of `%s'macppcNetBSD/macppc bootxx 20020515/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/news.cbbparams != NULLReading label sector from `%s'NetBSD/newsmips bootxx 20020518NetBSD/news68k bootxx 20020518newsmipsnews68k/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/next68k.cDisklabel checksum invalid on `%s'Boot program is larger than front porch spaceWriting updated labelWriting boot program at %d Writing `%s' at %dWriting `%s' at %d: short write updatedBoot program locations%s: %d %d next68k/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/pmax.cOld boot block magic number invalid; boot block invalidNo ELF header in `%s'Bootstrap start sector: %u Bootstrap sector count: %u Bootstrap load address: %#x Bootstrap exec address: %#x pmax/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sparc.csparcNetBSD/sparc bootxx 20020515/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sparc64.c`-b bno' and `-B bno' are not supported for %sBootstrap byte count: %u sparc64/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sun68k.cNetBSD/sun68k bootxx 20020515sun3sun2/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/vax.c`%s': too largevax/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/x68k.cBootstrap byte count: %#x NetBSD/x68k bootxx 20020601x68kv != NULL/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/evboards.cLoading '%s'. unable to parse overlay '%s'board != NULLinvalid board object in '%s': '%s'string != NULL%s/%s/boards.plistboard_db != NULLunable to parse board db '%s'pathspec != NULLi == countNo u-boot search path?Unable to search u-boot path%s/installboot.plistunameMust specify board=...buf != NULLread '%s'%s: unable to find node '/'compatible%s: no 'compatible' property on node '/'Checking FDT compatible string '%s'. *board_namep != NULLFound board '%s' from DTB data. OFIOCFINDDEVICE('%s')OFIOCGET('%s')Checking OFW compatible string '%s'. Found board '%s' from OFW data. board_name != NULLUnknown board '%s'Board: %s %-30s %s (u-boot package found at %s) (install the sysutils/u-boot-%s package) array != NULLiter != NULLMust specify media=... for board '%s'media=... is not a valid option for board '%s'%s-%sinvalid media specification: '%s'Valid media types: %sNo u-boot package found for board '%s'Please install the sysutils/u-boot-%s package.%s/%sMax u-boot offset (rounded): %lld (%lld) First free block available for file systems: %lld (0x%llx) Defaulting input-block-size and output-block-size to sectorsize (%u) Defaulting output-block-size to input-block-size (%zu) Defaulting input-block-size to output-block-size (%zu) output-block-size (%zu) is not a multiple of device sector size (%u)input-{block+pad}-size (%zu) is larger than output-block-size (%zu)output-block-size (%zu) it not a multiple of input-{block+pad}-size (%zu)open '%s'fstat '%s'close '%s'file size (%lld) is larger than output-size (%lu)Writing '%s' %lld @ %luto '%s' @ %lu Writing '%s' %lld to '%s' @ %lu lseek '%s' @ %lu(Reading '%s' -- %zu @ %lld) pread '%s'(Writing '%s' -- %zu @ %lld) pwrite '%s'/aliasesphandlelinux,phandleFDT_ERR_NOTFOUNDFDT_ERR_EXISTSFDT_ERR_NOSPACEFDT_ERR_BADOFFSETFDT_ERR_BADPATHFDT_ERR_BADPHANDLEFDT_ERR_BADSTATEFDT_ERR_TRUNCATEDFDT_ERR_BADMAGICFDT_ERR_BADVERSIONFDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTUREFDT_ERR_BADLAYOUTFDT_ERR_INTERNALFDT_ERR_BADNCELLSFDT_ERR_BADVALUEFDT_ERR_BADOVERLAYFDT_ERR_NOPHANDLESFDT_ERR_BADFLAGS/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/bbinfo.c(strlen(bbparams->magic) + 1) == 32Allocating %lu bytes for bbinfoName of secondary bootstrap not provided`%s' cannot be larger than %lu bytesELF`%s' is an ELF executable; need raw binary%s bbinfo structure not found in `%s'%s bbinfo structure in `%s' has preposterous size `%u'Secondary bootstrap `%s' blocks do not have a uniform sizeBootstrap block table: %u entries of %u bytes available, %u used: %llu %sriting bootstrap /usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/ffs.csize > 0Reading block %llu in `%s'Reading block %llu in `%s': short read_state != NULLSecondary bootstrap `%s' has too many blocks (max %d)_ino != NULLBad inopb %d in superblock in `%s'Inode %llu in `%s' ran out of blocks?Media is %d bytes/sector. RAID is only supported on 512 bytes/sector media.The secondary bootstrap `%s' must be in /(Path must be relative to the file system in `%s')Could not find secondary bootstrap `%s' in `%s'/usr/src/usr.sbin/installboot/cd9660.cReading primary descriptor in `%s'Reading primary descriptor in `%s': short readCD001Filesystem `%s' is not ISO9660 formatInvalid blocksize %d in `%s'The secondary bootstrap `%s' must be in / on filesystem `%s'Reading root directory record in `%s'Can't find secondary bootstrap `%s' in filesystem `%s'Reading root directory record in `%s': short readno_editbootno_clearbootno_setbootgetmachinegetubootpathsgetfstypeparseoptionsmainset_sunsumcompute_sunsumraw_findstage2raw_matchhardcode_stage2alpha_setbootsun_bootstrap alpha_clearboothp300_setboothppa_setboothppa_clearbooti386_setbooti386_editbootlandisk_setbootwriteapplepartmapmacppc_setbootmacppc_clearbootnewsmips_setbootnewsmips_clearbootnews68k_setbootnews_copydisklabelnews68k_clearbootnext68k_setbootpmax_setbootpmax_clearbootsparc_setheadersparc_setbootsparc_clearheadersparc_clearbootsparc64_setbootsparc64_clearbootsun68k_setbootsun68k_clearbootvax_setbootvax_clearbootx68k_setbootx68k_clearheaderx68k_clearbootevb_board_copy_uboot_mediaevb_board_get_uboot_installevb_db_list_boards/dev/openfirmload_dtbevb_db_get_board_from_dtbevb_db_get_boardevb_db_load_overlayevb_uboot_pkg_pathsvalidate_board_objectevb_db_load_baseu-boot-installruntime-u-boot-pathu-boot-pkgdescriptionpreserveoutput-block-sizeoutput-sizeinput-pad-sizeinput-block-sizeimage-offsetfile-sizefile-offsetfile-name/usr/share/installbootshared_bbinfo_setbootshared_bbinfo_clearbootffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs1ffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs2ffs_findstage2_inoffs_findstage2_blocksffs_findstage2ffs_read_disk_blockffs_match_common 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